------------------------------------------------------------------ Accord - Responsive Wordpress Blog Theme v 1.11 - Changelog ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note: To update the Theme just replace changed files listed in this file. Recommend to make a backup of the Theme files before you overwrite them with the new ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.11 2016-09-16 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Removed: Fav icon options from the Options panel (can be uploaded via Customizer) Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php Version 1.10 2016-03-11 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Updated: Widgets due changes in WordPress 4.3 Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /functions/* (all files) Version 1.09 2015-06-27 -------------------------- - Fixed: prettyPhoto XSS fix Changed files: - style.css - /js/jquery.prettyphoto.js Version 1.08 2015-04-28 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs Changed files: - style.css - functions.php Version 1.07 2015-04-27 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with Google Adsense in the header - Fixed: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability - Improved: Compatibility with popular plugins - Improved: Pagination - Improved: Comments - Improved: Masonry layout - Removed: Twitter widget - Optimized: Speed site performance - Optimized: Java scripts - Updated: Java scripts Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - template-sitemap.php - template-archives.php - template-contacts.php - template-home.php - template-home-small.php - template-home-big.php - index-loop.php - index.php - comments.php - content-single.php - header.php - post-like.php - footer.php - contact.php - single.php - page.php - /functions/accord-carousel-widget.php - /functions/accord-flickr-widget.php - /js/custom.js - /js/jquery.masonry.min.js - /includes/post_views.php Version 1.06 2013-02-25 -------------------------- - Fixed: Bug with PrettyPhoto (Facebook button). - Fixed: Minor bugs. - Improved: Aspect ration for video. - Improved: Interner Explorer compatibility. - Improved: Child themes compatibility. Changed files: - header.php - template-home.php - template-home-small.php - template-home-big.php - index-loop.php - style.css - functions.php - tag.php - archive.php - search.php - author.php - category.php - template-sitemap.php - \css\prettyphoto.css - \css\ie-fix.css - \js\custom.js Version 1.05 2012-12-20 -------------------------- - Improved: Comments form - Fixed: Minor bugs Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - template-home.php - index-loop.php - comments.php Version 1.04 2012-11-15 -------------------------- - Added: Options for Popular Posts widget (comments, likes, views) - Added: Options for Home page and Single page layouts. - Added: Options for Posts - Link to entire post or external URL. - Added: AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild feature - Fixed: Minor bugs Changed files: - single.php - footer.php - style.css - index.php - functions.php - author.php - header.php - \admin\functions\functions.options.php - \css\ie-fix.css - \css\accord-menu.css - \img\icons\bg_direction_nav.png - \functions\accord-popular-post-widget.php - \includes\post_views.php New files: - index-loop.php - content-single.php - \includes\ajax-thumbnail-rebuild.php Version 1.03 2012-09-30 -------------------------- - Added: Widgets area in the footer - Added: Option for Google Adsense (or other) banner. - Added: Styles for drop-down menu. - Added: Option for Video post thumb (embedded player) - Added: Option for Featured image (show/hide) - Added: Option for Blog posts (content/excerpt) - Added: Option for Menu style(nav-bar or drop-down) - Added: Description field for Pages - Fixed: IE bugs Changed files: - search.php - tag.php - archive.php - category.php - index.php - template-home.php - header.php - single.php - functions.php - style.css - template-full-width.php - page.php - footer.php - author.php - template-sitemap.php - \admin\functions\functions.options.php - \admin\assets\images\icon-ads.png - \admin\assets\css\admin-style.css - \includes\post_views.php New files: - \css\ie-fix.css - \css\accord-menu.css Version 1.02 2012-09-15 -------------------------- - Improved: Theme code was modified with schema.org format (SEO improvement) - Added: Show Featured Images in RSS Feed. - Added: Template for Sitemap page. - Added: Template for displaying Author Archive pages - Fixed: Pagination issue with Home page template - Fixed: Minor bugs. Changed files: - style.css - header.php - footer.php - functions.php - single.php - category.php - template-home.php - index.php - \css\options.css - \css\styles.php - \js\custom.js New files: - template-sitemap.php - author.php Version 1.01 2012-09-15 -------------------------- - Added: Template for Home page with sidebar. - Added: Featured carousel for Home page (as widget). - Improved: Some responsive issues for small devices. - Fixed: Bug with shortcodes - Fixed: Bug translation - Fixed: Aumatically menu highlight Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - index.php - header.php - search.php - \js\custom.js - \functions\accord-recent-posts-widget.php - \functions\accord-related-posts-widget.php - \functions\accord-fbsubscribe-widget.php - \functions\accord-fblikebox-widget.php - \functions\accord-popular-post-widget.php - \includes\post_views.php - \includes\author_social.php - \includes\shortcodes.php - \css\options.css - \css\styles.css - \admin\functions\functions.options.php New files: - template-home.php - \functions\accord-carousel-widget.php Version 1.0 2012-09-12 -------------------------- - Release ZERGE http://color-theme.com/