----------------------------------------------------------------------- InTouch - Retina Responsive WordPress News Theme v 1.18 - Changelog ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note: To update the Theme just replace changed files listed in this file. Recommend to make a backup of the Theme files before you overwrite them with the new ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.18 2016-09-15 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Improved: Gallery post format - Removed: Fav icon options from the Options panel (can be uploaded via Customizer) Changed files: - style.css - functions.php Version 1.17 2016-07-09 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Updated: WooCommerce template files - Updated: TGM Plugin Activation Changed files: - style.css - /css/woocommerce.css - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - /woocommerce/content-product.php Version 1.16 2016-05-19 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with Youtube counter Changed files: - style.css - /functions/ct-social-counter-widget.php Version 1.15 2016-04-28 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with deprecated function post_permalink() - Updated: WooCommerce template files - Updated: TGM Plugin Activation - Updated: Widgets due changes in WordPress 4.3 Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - header.php - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - /functions/* (all files) - /woocommerce/content-product.php Version 1.14 2015-06-30 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: prettyPhoto XSS fix - Fixed: Issue with Facebook counter - Optimized: Speed site performance - Optimized: Java scripts Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /functions/ct-social-counter-widget.php - /js/retina.js - /js/custom.js - /js/jquery.prettyphoto.js Version 1.13 2015-04-03 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with site title - Updated: WooCommerce template files (version 2.3.7) Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - header.php - - /css/styles.php - /css/woocommerce.css - /woocommerce/* (entire directory) - /js/custom.js - /js/load-posts.js - /admin/functions/functions.options.php Version 1.12 2014-12-28 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with layouts - Improved: Metaboxes ( IMPORTANT! Need to install & activate the plugin "Meta Box". Go to menu Appearance -> Install Plugins ) Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - /includes/theme-metaboxes.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php Version 1.11 2014-09-21 -------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with Theme Options Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /admin/functions/functions.admin.php Version 1.10 2014-09-19 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with Child theme - Improved: CT Shortcodes plugin - Improved: Localization - Updated: WooCommerce template files (version 2.2.4) Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /admin/functions/functions.admin.php - /woocommerce/* (entire directory) - /includes/plugins/ct-shortcodes.zip Version 1.09 2014-08-15 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Improved: Localization Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - template-blog.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /css/styles.php Version 1.08 2014-06-17 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Improved: Sticky menu Changed files: - style.css - functions.php Version 1.07 2014-05-18 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with Breadcrumb on small devices - Updated: WooCommerce template files - Updated: Plugin "AJAX Thumbnail Rebuild" - Updated: Plugin "CT Shortcodes" - Improved: Compatibility with popular plugins - Improved: Responsive styles - Improved: "To top" feature - Optimized: Speed site performance Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - footer.php - /js/custom.js - /css/rwd-styles.css - /css/woocommerce.css - /css/styles.php - /includes/theme-metaboxes.php - /includes/plugins/ajax-thumbnail-rebuild.1.12.zip - /includes/plugins/ct-shortcodes.zip - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /woocommerce/* (entire directory) Removed files: - /js/scrolltopcontrol.js - /woocommerce/* (entire directory) New files: - /woocommerce/* (entire directory) Version 1.06 2014-02-16 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with Breadcrumb - Fixed: Issue with options.css file for Child theme - Fixed: Issue with sidebar option for posts and pages - Added: Option to turn on\off Bootstrap.js script - Added: Open Graph Objects for post page - Updated: WooCommerce template files (version 2.1.2) Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - header.php - screenshot.png - single.php - page.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /css/woocommerce.css - /css/styles.php - /woocommerce (entire directory) Version 1.05 2013-12-21 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with menu arrow for RTL - Fixed: Issue with "time ago" in the Recent Comments widget - Fixed: Issue with "Load more" pagination - Fixed: Issue with breadcrumb on Author archive page - Improved: Documentation - Improved: Compatibility with Child themes - Improved: Support for RTL - Added: WooCommerce integration & compatible Changed files: - style.css - post-like.php - single.php - page.php - header.php - functions.php - template-contacts.php - index.php - wpml-config.xml - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /admin/functions/functions.admin.php - /admin/assets/css/admin-style.css - /css/styles.php - /css/rwd-styles.css - /functions/ct-twitter-widget.php - /functions/ct-recent-comments-widget.php - /js/custom.js - /js/load-posts.js New files: - woocommerce.php - /admin/assets/images/icon-commerce.png - /img/woocommerce/* - /woocommerce/* - /css/woocommerce.css Version 1.04 2013-11-25 -------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with first time theme activation Changed files: - /admin/functions/functions.load.php Version 1.03 2013-11-24 -------------------------- - Fixed: Bug with "Small Slider" widget - Fixed: Minor bugs - Improved: Styles for RTL - Improved: Localization - Improved: Advanced Text widget - Improved: Recent Comments widget - Improved: Contact Form - Added: Compatibility for WPML - Added: Alt parameter for author avatar - Added: Cyrillic character sets for Google fonts - Added: Linkedin icon for Social Icons widget - Added: Linkedin icon for header Social Icons block - Added: Option for iOS icons - Added: Option to turn on/off responsive layout - Added: Option to turn on/off retina.js script Changed files: - style.css - rtl.css - functions.php - header.php - contact.php - single.php - /admin/functions/functions.load.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /meta-box/inc/common.php - /js/respond.min.js - /functions/ct-social-icons-widget.php - /functions/ct-text-widget.php - /functions/ct-recent-comments-widget.php - /functions/ct-blog-widget.php - /functions/ct-small-slider-widget.php - /css/styles.php New files: - wpml-config.xml - /admin/functions/functions.fix.php - /img/icons/apple-touch-icon.png - /img/icons/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png - /img/icons/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png - /img/icons/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png Version 1.02 2013-11-04 -------------------------- - Improved: Shortcodes - Improved: Styles for RTL - Improved: Carousel widget for RTL - Improved: Blog widget for RTL - Fixed: Issue with thumbnails on the post page sidebar - Fixed: Issue with menu in IE9 and Opera - Fixed: Issue with the title for Carousel widget - Fixed: Issue with color for the arrow indicator in the menu - Fixed: Issue with standard pagination in the Blog widget - Fixed: Issue with logo width on mobile devices - Added: Option for enabling some RTL styles - Fixed: Minor bugs Changed files: - header.php - functions.php - template-blog.php - footer.php - style.css - rtl.css - single.php - /css/styles.php - /css/rwd-styles.css - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /includes/plugins/ct-shortcodes.zip - /functions/ct-blog-widget.php - /functions/ct-carousel-widget.php - /functions/ct-news-ticker-vertical-widget.php - /functions/ct-recent-comments-widget.php - /functions/ct-slider-widget.php Version 1.01 2013-10-24 -------------------------- - Fixed: Bug with Google Analytics code - Fixed: Bugs with the Slider widget - Added: Class 'updated' for entry-date - Improved: Documentation - Fixed: Minor bugs Changed files: - header.php - style.css - functions.php - /functions/ct-slider-widget.php - /functions/ct-text-widget.php - /functions/ct-blog-widget.php Version 1.0 2013-10-22 -------------------------- - Release ZERGE http://color-theme.com/ http://themeforest.net/user/ZERGE