----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pravda - Retina Responsive WordPress Theme v 1.39 - Changelog ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please note: To update the Theme just replace changed files listed in this file. Recommend to make a backup of the Theme files before you overwrite them with the new ones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.39 2017-04-08 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Improved: WooCommerce compatibility - Disabled: Twitter widget Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /woocommerce/content-product.php Version 1.38 2016-09-03 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Improved: Translation - Improved: Gallery post format Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /includes/thumb-gallery.php - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php Version 1.37 2016-06-20 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Updated: WooCommerce files - Updated: TGM Plugin Activation Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /css/woocommerce.css - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - /woocommerce/content-product.php - /woocommerce/content-product_cat.php Version 1.36 2016-04-26 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Disabled: Shortcodes plugin - Updated: WooCommerce files Changed files: - style.css - /woocommerce/content-product_cat.php Version 1.35 2016-01-22 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with deprecated function post_permalink() - Disabled: Instagram widget - Updated: WooCommerce files - Updated: Widgets due changes in WordPress 4.3 Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - header.php - /woocommerce/content-product.php - /woocommerce/content-product_cat.php - /woocommerce/loop/orderby.php - /functions/* (all files) - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php Version 1.34 2015-11-05 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Updated: Masonry JS library to v 3.3.2 Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - footer.php - woocommerce.php - template-blog.php - tag.php - search.php - index.php - category.php - author.php - archive.php - content-video.php - content-status.php - content-standard.php - content-image.php - content-gallery.php - content-audio.php - /js/jquery.masonry.min.js - /admin/functions/functions.options.php Version 1.33 2015-09-13 -------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with carousel direction arrow - Improved: Sticky menu - Updated: Widgets due changes in WordPress 4.3 - Updated: WooCommerce template files Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - /woocommerce/content-product_cat.php - /woocommerce/content-product.php - /functions/* (all files) Version 1.32 2015-07-04 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with menu icons - Optimized: Speed site performance - Optimized: Java scripts - Updated: JavaScripts - Removed: Sidebar Generator feature (recommend to use appropriate plugin) Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - content-standard.php - header.php - woocommerce.php - template-sitemap.php - template-contacts.php - template-archives.php - single.php - index.php - template-blog.php - page.php - footer.php - /functions/ct-carousel-widget.php - /functions/ct-small-slider-widget.php - /functions/ct-flickr-widget.php - /functions/ct-instagram-widget.php - /js/jquery.flexslider-min.js - /js/custom.js - /js/jquery.masonry.min.js - /includes/thumb-gallery.php - /includes/widget-gallery.php - /admin/funxtions/functions.options.php Version 1.31 2015-06-28 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: prettyPhoto XSS fix Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - single.php - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - /js/jquery.prettyphoto.js Version 1.30 2015-04-24 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with Google Adsense in the header - Fixed: Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - post-like.php - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - /includes/theme-metaboxes.php Version 1.29 2015-02-20 -------------------------- - Fixed: Bug with fullscreen background image in FireFox - Improved: Output fullscreen background image Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - header.php Version 1.28 2015-02-14 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - header.php - index.php - /css/styles.php Version 1.27 2015-01-27 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue Font Awesome icons in menu - Optimized: Speed site performance - Optimized: Java scripts - Updated: Font Awesome icons to v 3.2.1 - Updated: Javascripts libraries - Improved: Sticky menu - Improved: RTL styles - Improved: Metabox feature (Important! Need to install the plugin "Meta Box" via menu Appearance -> Install Plugins) Changed files: - style.css - rtl.css - functions.php - header.php - /includes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - /includes/theme-metaboxes.php - /js/custom.js - /js/jquery.infinitescroll.min.js - /js/jquery.masonry.min.js - /js/retina.js - /font/* Version 1.26 2014-11-13 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with Ads unit - Improved: Responsive layout Changed files: - style.css - functions.php Version 1.25 2014-09-16 -------------------------- - Updated: WooCommerce template files (version 2.2.3) Changed files: - style.css (changed only version) - /woocommerce/loop/pagination.php Version 1.24 2014-09-10 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Improved: RTL styles - Updated: WooCommerce template files (version 2.2.0) Changed files: - style.css - rtl.css - functions.php - /js/custom.js - /woocommerce/loop/pagination.php - /woocommerce/loop/orderby.php Version 1.23 2014-07-25 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with Gallery post format Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - content-gallery.php - category.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /css/styles.php - /css/woocommerce.css - /js/custom.js Version 1.22 2014-06-24 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Changed: Increased thumbnail size for Blog posts - Fixed: Issue with top padding for entry content - Improved: Responsive feature Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - content-video.php - content-image.php - content-gallery.php - content-audio.php - content-standard.php - content-status.php - post-like.php - /css/rwd-styles.css Version 1.21 2014-06-12 -------------------------- - Disabled: An old Shortcodes feature Changed files: - style.css - functions.php Version 1.20 2014-06-12 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with "Tumblelog" layout. - Fixed: Issue with "Sticky" menu - Fixed: Issue with Search page - Fixed: Issue with menu for "boxed" header - Fixed: Issue with Blog post meta - Improved: Sticky menu - Improved: Infinite Scroll feature - Improved: Carousel widget (related posts feature) - Improved: Small Slider widget (related posts feature) - Improved: Popular Posts widget (related posts feature) - Improved: Recent Posts widget (related posts feature) - Improved: Related Posts Thumbs widget (related posts feature) - Improved: Responsive feature for small\mobile devices (percentages instead of fixed width) - Added: Option for "inbuilt" sidebar (see Demo) - Added: Option for Custom video - Added: Option for Custom advertisement (appears on the Blog page between the posts, see Demo) Changed files: - style.css - template-blog.php - header.php - functions.php - search.php - category.php - author.php - tag.php - archive.php - index.php - single.php - content-video.php - content-image.php - content-gallery.php - content-audio.php - content-standard.php - content-status.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /includes/theme-metaboxes.php - /plugins/ajax-thumbnail-rebuild.1.12.zip - /plugins/ct-shortcodes.zip - /js/load-posts.js - /js/jquery.infinitescroll.min.js - /css/rwd-styles.css - /css/styles.php - /functions/ct-carousel-widget.php - /functions/ct-related-posts-thumbs-widget.php - /functions/ct-popular-posts-widget.php - /functions/ct-recent-posts-widget.php - /functions/ct-small-slider-widget.php Version 1.19 2014-04-06 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with "Show more" pagination. - Removed: Option for "Single Post Meta Block" Changed files: - style.css (changed only version) - functions.php - archive.php - author.php - search.php - tag.php - category.php - /css/styles.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php Version 1.18 2014-03-24 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Updated: WooCommerce template files - Improved: Compatibility with popular plugins - Changed: "To Top" feature - Optimized: Speed site performance - Optimized: Java scripts Changed files: - rtl.css - style.css - functions.php - footer.php - post-like.php - content-video.php - content-status.php - content-standard.php - content-image.php - content-gallery.php - content-audio.php - contact.php - template-blog.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /woocommerce/* - /css/woocommerce.css - /css/styles.php - /js/custom.js Removed files: - /single-product/product-attributes.php - /woocommerce/* - /js/scrolltopcontrol.js - /js/prettify.js - /js/jquery.imagesloaded.min.js New files: - /woocommerce/* Version 1.17 2014-02-14 -------------------------- - Fixed: Minor bugs - Fixed: Issue with Author description - Updated: WooCommerce template files Changed files: - style.css (changed only version) - author.php - /css/woocommerce.css - /css/styles.php - /woocommerce/* Version 1.16 2014-02-11 -------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with Post content - Fixed: Issue with video post sharing - Improved: Status post format - Improved: Home\Blog page - Added: Option to turn on\off Bootstrap.js script - Added: Open Graph Objects for post page - Added: A new fields in the user profile for social icons (User -> Your Profile) Changed files: - functions.php - template-blog.php - index.php - style.css - single.php - header.php - content-video.php - content-status.php - content-image.php - content-audio.php - content-gallery.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /js/custom.js - /woocommerce/content-product.php Version 1.15 2014-01-25 -------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with Child theme Changed files: - style.css (changed only version) - /admin/functions/functions.admin.php Version 1.14 2014-01-24 -------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with pagination on Blog page template - Fixed: Issue with custom sidebars feature Changed files: - style.css - functions.php Version 1.13 2014-01-23 -------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with menu items with icons - Fixed: Issue with posts and pages with RTL - Fixed: Minor bugs - Improved: Structure for WooCommerce templates - Improved: Child theme - Added: Option to turn on\off Retina.js script - Added: Option to turn on\off "Custom Sidebars" feature - Added: WooCommerce option "Product Columns" - Added: WooCommerce option "Products per Page" - Added: WooCommerce option "Related Products per Page" - Added: WooCommerce option "Related Products per Row" - Added: Status post format - Added: A new type of pagination - "Show More" button (see Demo) Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - template-blog.php - index.php - wpml-config.xml - page.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /admin/functions/functions.admin.php - /admin/assets/admin-style.css - /woocommerce/content-product.php - /woocommerce/single-product/up-sells.php - /woocomerce/loop/loop-end.php - /woocomerce/loop/loop-start.php - /js/custom.js - /css/rwd-styles.css - /css/styles.php - /css/woocommerce.css - wp-pravda-child.zip New files: - content-status.php - /js/load-posts.js Version 1.12 2013-12-02 -------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with search results and pages - Fixed: Issue with WooCommerce styles - Fixed: Issue with line-height for menu items with icons - Fixed: Minor bugs - Updated: XML demo file - Improved: Documentation - Added: Caption for Gallery post images Changed files: - style.css - search.php - content-standard.php - functions.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /includes/thumb-gallery.php Version 1.11 2013-11-22 -------------------------- - Fixed: Issue with the long words in title - Fixed: Bug with main menu - Fixed: Minor bugs - Improved: Contact form - Improved: Carousel widget - Improved: Localization - Improved: Pagination - Improved: Blog page template - Improved: Menu - Improved: RTL support - Added: Compatibility for WPML - Added: Google Font option for the Main menu - Added: Widget area in the footer - Added: Widget area in the top of the page - Added: Option in the post settings to define any URL for a post - Added: Option in the Carousel widget to exclude some categories - Added: Option in the Recent Posts widget to exclude some categories - Added: Option in the Small Slider widget to exclude some categories - Added: Right alignment for the Main menu - Added: Option for "Read more" button in excerpt - Added: Option "Use colored background for content" on the post page - Added: Option for iOS icons - Added: WooCommerce compatible Changed files: - page.php - functions.php - style.css - rtl.css - single.php - contact.php - content-image.php - content-gallery.php - content-audio.php - content-video.php - content-standard.php - searchform.php - template-blog.php - footer.php - /admin/functions/functions.options.php - /admin/functions/functions.load.php - /admin/assets/css/admin-style.css - /meta-box/* (changed only localization) - /includes/theme-metaboxes.php - /includes/shortcodes.php - /js/jquery.masonry.min.js - /js/jquery.infinitescroll.min.js - /js/scrolltopcontrol.js - /js/custom.js - /css/styles.php - /css/rwd-styles.css - /functions/ct-small-slider-widget.php - /functions/ct-recent-posts-widget.php - /functions/ct-carousel-widget.php - /functions/ct-text-widget.php - /functions/ct-related-posts-thumbs-widget.php - /functions/ct-popular-posts-widget.php - /functions/ct-instagram-widget.php - /functions/ct-flickr-widget.php - /functions/ct-categories-widget.php - /functions/ct-twitter-widget.php New files: - woocommerce.php - wpml-config.xml - /admin/functions/functions.fix.php - /admin/assets/images/icon-commerce.png - /img/woocommerce/* - /img/icons/apple-touch-icon.png - /img/icons/apple-touch-icon-76x76.png - /img/icons/apple-touch-icon-120x120.png - /img/icons/apple-touch-icon-152x152.png - /woocommerce/* - /css/woocommerce.css Version 1.10 2013-08-24 -------------------------- - Improved: Responsive feature (device orientation) - Fixed: Issue with the Carousel widget (when displayed only one huge related post) - Fixed: Minor bugs. Changed files: - style.css - template-contacts.php - functions.php - index.php - content-standard.php - content-audio.php - content-gallery.php - content-video.php - content-image.php - content-page.php - \js\custom.js - \functions\ct-carousel-widget.php - \includes\widget-gallery.php - \css\rwd-styles.css Version 1.09 2013-06-15 -------------------------- - Added: Template for Blog page. - Added: A new tab in the "Pravda Options" for the Twitter. - Fixed: Issue with Twitter widget. Changed files: - style.css (changed only version) - functions.php - \functions\ct-twitter-widget.php - \admin\functions\functions.options.php - \admin\assets\css\admin-style.css New files: - template-blog.php - \functions\twitteroauth.php - \admin\assets\images\icon-twitter.png Version 1.08 2013-06-12 -------------------------- - Fixed: Bug on the Sigle post page Changed files: - style.css Version 1.07 2013-06-08 -------------------------- - Improved: Masonry layout. - Added: Some improvements - Fixed: Minor bugs. Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - header.php - \css\rwd-styles.css Version 1.06 2013-06-05 -------------------------- - Improved: Masonry layout. - Fixed: Backend Translation. - Fixed: Minor bugs. Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - header.php - tag.php - archive.php - search.php - author.php - \meta-box\inc\common.php - \css\styles.php Version 1.05 2013-05-25 -------------------------- - Fixed: Bug with message in the Dashboard for "AJAX Thumbnal Rebuild". - Fixed: Bug with "Auto" thumbnail for Youtube. - Fixed: Bug with "Popular Posts" widget. - Fixed: Minor bugs. Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - content-video.php - content-standard.php - content-audio.php - content-gallery.php - content-image.php - single.php - header.php - \functions\ct-popular-posts-widget.php - \functions\ct-recent-posts-widget.php - \css\rwd-styles.css - \js\custom.js Version 1.04 2013-05-11 -------------------------- - Updated: Font Awesome icons to version 3.1.1 - Added: Template for Child theme (wp-pravda-child.zip). - Added: Option "Show popular posts from the last N days" for "Popular posts" widget - Added: "To Top" button to easily scroll long pages back to the top. - Improved: Author description field (allowed HTML tags) - Fixed: Bug with Author\Tags\Archive\Search pages. - Fixed: Bug with Audio post. - Fixed: Minor bugs. Changed files: - style.css - functions.php - tag.php - archive.php - search.php - author.php - content-audio.php - \font\* - \css\font-awesome.min.css - \css\font-awesome-ie7.min.css - \css\styles.php - \css\rwd-styles.css - \functions\ct-popular-posts-widget.php New files: - \js\scrolltopcontrol.js Version 1.03 2013-05-02 -------------------------- - Improved: Support RTL languages (rtl.css) - Fixed: Bug with "Post like system" + Infinite Scroll (functions.php) - Fixed: Bug with Youtube video in FireFox (content-video.php) - Fixed: Minor bugs. Changed files: - rtl.css - style.css - content-gallery.php - content-standard.php - content-image.php - content-audio.php - content-video.php - functions.php - index.php - \css\styles.php - \css\rwd-styles.css Version 1.02 2013-04-29 -------------------------- - Added: Blog and Category layout "1 Column + Sidebar" - Added: Field for Blog sharing option (\admin\functions\functions.options.php) - Improved: CSS Media Queries (\css\rwd-styles.css) - Fixed: Bug with Custom CSS feature (\admin\functions\functions.options.php) - Fixed: Minor bugs. Changed files: - style.css - category.php - single.php - template-sitemap.php - functions.php - content-video.php - \admin\functions\functions.options.php - \css\styles.php - \css\rwd-styles.css Version 1.01 2013-04-25 -------------------------- - Added: Search Page Template (search.php) - Improved: Support RTL languages (rtl.css) - Improved: CSS Media Queries (\css\rwd-styles.css) - Improved: Child themes compatibility (functions.php) - Fixed: Bug with Google Analytics Tracking Code (functions.php) - Fixed: Minor bugs. Changed files: - style.css - rtl.css - functions.php - content-standard.php - index.php - single.php - \css\rwd-styles.css - \css\styles.php New files: - search.php Version 1.0 2013-04-24 -------------------------- - Release ZERGE http://color-theme.com/ http://themeforest.net/user/ZERGE