A Mystical Puppet Skull

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A Mystical Puppet Skull

Can I rename the WordPress folder?

If you have not already installed WordPress, you can rename the folder with the WordPress files, before, or even after uploading the files.

If you have WordPress installed already, and you want to rename the folder, login to your website as an administrator and change the following settings in Settings > General:

  • WordPress Address (URL):
  • Site Address (URL):

Once you have done this, you can rename the directory or folder with the WordPress files in it.

How do I install WordPress with the files in different directories?

This also answers the questions:

  • How can I have my blog in one folder but my index at root?
  • How can I have people see my blog at www.example.com but keep all the files in www.example.com/wordpress?
  • How do I install WordPress in a different directory than where the index.php resides?

Overall Score

99% / Idea
86% / Mystical
91% / Crazy
46% / Colors
97% / Horror
Whether you are testing a new version of WordPress, setting up a new blog or have some other reason to limit access, the following information may help you keep unwanted visitors out.

About Author

You are here, because you like games so much!
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Best Wishes!


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