A Village of Elves

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A Village of Elves

Google Sitemaps

As of June 2005, Google is now accepting sitemaps of your site as part of their website submissions. Google needs to have this sitemap formatted in a special way using XML. You can find more information about Google’s Sitemap Submissions from Google, and the discussion on the WordPress Forum about WordPress and Google Site maps.

Some utilities have been created to help the WordPress user to create a Google site map of their site for submission to Google. For more information on these and Google sitemaps:

Link Relationships

There is some debate over whether listing the link relations actually effect search engine ranking however it is simple to implement.

More Resources and Tutorials

There is a lot to learn about search engine optimization and site submission. Here are just a few sites to help you learn more about how this works:

About Author

You are here, because you like games so much!
Please check out my blog and subscribe to socials services.
Best Wishes!


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