My contributions not showing up on my profile

My contributions not showing up on my profile

Not all contributions are created equal. Find out which ones count, and which ones don’t.

Have you linked your git email to your GitHub account?

You’ll need to link your git email to your GitHub account, so that we’ll know who to associate contributions with. Once you do this, you might need to contact support so that we can backfill your previous contributions.

Which contributions are counted?

You’re credited for a contribution if you open an issue, propose a pull request, or author a commit.

Your commit contributions count when they make it to your repository’s default branch or the gh-pages branch. You are credited for the contribution on the authored date. There are a few other rules around repositories that are considered before counting a contribution:

  • It happened or was merged into the default branch or gh-pages branch
  • It happened in the last year
  • It’s not in a fork

How are commit contributions to forks counted?

Contributions to forks are only counted when they land in the upstream’s default branch. Even if you’re contributing to the master branch in your fork, they won’t count until they make it upstream.

What if I have no plans to submit a pull request to upstream?

How are commit contributions to mirrors counted?

We count commits and issues on a mirror the same as any other repository.


My name is Serge and I’m a creative geek. I truly love web and I enjoy using its great potential.

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