Magic Forest Soul

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Magic Forest Soul

Database Backup Instructions

Back up your WordPress database regularly, and always before an upgrade or a move to a new location. The following information will help you back up your WordPress database using various popular server software packages. For detailed information, contact your website host for more information.

Accessing phpMyAdmin

See phpMyAdmin for more information on phpMyAdmin.

While familiarity with phpMyAdmin is not necessary to back up your WordPress database, these instructions should take you step-by-step through the process of finding phpMyAdmin on your server. Then you can follow the instructions below as a simple and easy backup. For more detailed instructions, see Backing Up Your Database.


On your Websites & Domains screen, click Open button corresponding to the database you have set up during the WordPress installation. This will open phpMyAdmin interface:

If you cannot see the Open button, make sure to close the Start creating your website prompt:

Click Select Existing Database to find select your WordPress database:


Overall Score

47% / Design
58% / Graphics
82% / Idea
71% / Colors
94% / Shadows
On your main control panel for cPanel, look for the MySQL logo and click the link to MySQL Databases. On the next page, look for phpMyAdmin link and click it to access your phpMyAdmin.

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