Readability on the iPad
January 11, 2013 posted by ZERGE

Readability on the iPad

The iPad (/ˈaɪpæd/ EYE-pad) is a line of tablet computers designed and marketed by Apple Inc., which runs on Apple’s iOS operating system. The first iPad was released on April…

The future of books
January 11, 2013 posted by ZERGE

The future of books

Aenean quis lobortis nulla. Vestibulum posuere, ligula dictum pretium viverra, mauris mauris semper nunc, eu porta tellus lacus sed odio. Maecenas mi felis, blandit non sodales in, ultrices ut quam….

iPhoto on the new iPad
January 11, 2013 posted by ZERGE

iPhoto on the new iPad

In quam arcu, mattis nec laoreet ac, ultrices nec elit. Pellentesque vitae neque et tortor interdum vulputate ut nec sem. Pellentesque massa libero, condimentum at dignissim ut, viverra sed nisi….

Athletic Feet of Runner Positioned at Starting Block
January 11, 2013 posted by ZERGE

Athletic Feet of Runner Positioned at Starting Block

Morbi rutrum scelerisque vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent et ligula eget purus hendrerit tristique. Suspendisse facilisis posuere turpis ac accumsan….