How do I use Filezilla?

FileZilla is an open-source FTP-client and FTP-server developed for the Windows operating system by Tim Kosse (Germany) It comes in both a Javascript and non-Javascript version.

Filezilla may be used to manage your WordPress site by uploading and downloading files and images. This article will guide you through the process of installing and using Filezilla to manage your WordPress powered blog hosted on the server.

For more information about FileZilla, view the list of features at the project site.

Why would I want to download FileZilla?

It’s fast, stable, easy to use, and free. FTP is a standard way to upload or download files between your local system and your web server, and FileZilla is an solid client for everyday FTP needs.

Setting Up the Options

You will need the following details regarding the FTP account on your server:

If you do not already have an FTP account on your server, use your cPanel or website administration tool to set one up — it will have all the information needed. If in doubt, ask your host for directions or help regarding an FTP account for your use to access your webspace.


In the top left of the Initial Screen (Figure 1), click Site Manager, and the screen you last saw (the FTP details screen, Figure 3) will pop into view. This time though, click the Connect button on the bottom.

If all is well, then in the top window of Figure 1, you will have seen a series of messages, and in the large window, you will see a listing of the files will appear.